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shots of Safety inspector in Dubai hotels, checks the validity of food items in the restaurant 2 -
shots of Safety inspector in Dubai hotels, checks the validity of food items in the restaurant 1 -
A shot of Dubai Municipality logo on the building during the daytime -
A shot of farmers in Dubai gardens during the daytime 1 -
General shot of the Dubai Frame during the daytime -
Micro and slider photography of plant leaves and insects at Warsan Dubai Nursery -
The agricultural sector in Sharjah and shots of water, irrigation, and large areas of agriculture 1 -
the Oryx Reserve 2 -
the Oryx Reserve 1 -
Buried Village of Al Madam in the daytime via drone 2 -
A shot of Dubai Flamingo Reserve and Dubai Towers in the daytime -
A shot of group of flamingos in the Reserve in the daytime,Dubai -
A shot of agricultural crops in Hatta ,in the daytime. -
A shot of a group of oryx gazelles in the Oryx Reserve,in the daytime -
A shot of an oryx gazelle in the reserve, moving from right to left,in the daytime. -
A shot of the desert via drone in the daytime -
A shot of Hatta Dam via a daytime drone -
A shot of planting irrigation in Hatta, daytime drone photography -
A shot of Dubai in general in the daytime -
A quick shot of Dubai in general at night -
A still shot of Dubai Creek in the daytime -
Hatta shot, green mountains, daytime drone photography -
Buried Village of Al Madam in the daytime via drone -
A shot of the water fountains in Emaar Boulevard, Dubai, at night -
A shot of the water fountains in Emaar Boulevard, Dubai, in general, at night -
aerial drone shots of Ras Al Khaimah in the daytime 3 -
aerial drone shots of Ras Al Khaimah in the daytime 4 -
aerial drone shots of Ras Al Khaimah in the daytime 3

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